Khandesh College Education Society's
Moolji Jaitha College Library Portal
One stop solutions for all your educational needs..
Human Values
Scientific Temperament
Philosophical Tenets

Programmed Learning

Dear Learners!

This is a module developed by your college library to make you appreciate three important dimensions that can make us lead a better and more meaningful life. These aspects are:
1. Human Values
2. Scientific Temperament and
3. Philosophical Tenets

Each of these dimensions has been subdivided into ten subsets each, thus providing you with the insights into thirty values in all. Click on the dimension that you would like to study and appreciate in detail by clicking on the link on the menu on the left side. You will find ten subsets each. You may read and understand each subset of value in detail in parts. Once you finish one part and are confident that you comprehended what is conveyed, you should answer questions that follow. If you answer the questions correctly you will be introduced to the next part of the value and the same process will continue until you complete you reading of that value. But in case you fail to give proper answer to any question, instead of allowing you to go to the next part of the value, you will be redirected to visit the section you just studied so as to enable you understand it more thoroughly. Once you rectify your misunderstanding, you will have to answer the questions that follow properly and upon providing the right answer, you can proceed to the next section of the value. Thus your comprehension of these values will be thorough and complete.

We wish you a wonderful and insightful journey into those dimensions which enrich our lives!

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